Saturday, January 1, 2011


Another year of stagnation, with far too much time devoted to an increasingly bitter dispute between the core of Cricket Canada and its biggest province, Ontario. The profile of Canadian cricket was hardly helped by the acknowledgement that it was not in a position to host the Under-19 World Cup in 2012, a fact many appear to have known from the outset. By taking on the responsibility only to hand it back to the ICC with little having been done, Canadian cricket was the only loser and critics of the board were handed a stockpile of ammunition. On the field it was another so-so year but three heavy defeats in the ICC Intercontinental Cup and a mixed return from ODIs did not bode well for the future. The World Cup could be a hard slog.
What 2011 holds Infighting and self-interest will continue to undermine the Canadians.

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