Friday, April 1, 2011

USACA sets October 15 for general elections

USACA sets October 15 for general elections

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The USA Cricket Association has announced that its general elections will take place on October 15, ended speculation and disagreement between certain factions regarding the date based on the wording of the USACA constitution.

USACA board member Shelton Glasgow, however, said that there is nothing to be confused about. "The constitution is very clear," Glasgow said. "We have to hold elections this year. There's been a hue and cry about elections being held in March where I think if persons were to read the document and understand what is written, in the electoral year, you have until a specific time to hold the elections. That election that was held in March [2008], that was held to satisfy an ICC requirement. We had to have had elections by a specific timeframe. That is why that was held."

USACA's first election under the current constitution took place on March 29, 2008. The constitution states that each winner has to hold office for a term of three years. However, it also says that elections can be held at any time before November 30 of the election year, providing a loophole for the current office bearers to stay in power. Glasgow maintains that they are not in violation of the constitution.

"That is something that was held [in March] for the first election or electoral cycle to make sure that we were compliant with the ICC requirements. I know people are saying, 'It's three years. They were in there for a three-year term.' That is quite true. It says three years, but it also says within the electoral year, elections can be held within a specific time [no later than November 30]."

Aside from the dispute regarding the constitution, Glasgow said the election was set for October in order to give time for member leagues to submit annual dues so that they can remain eligible to vote.

"The USACA board met and agreed to extend the payment of dues for 2010 to May 31, to give the delinquent leagues a chance to become compliant," Glasgow said. "So May 31 is when this should occur. They have to pay their 2010 and their 2011 dues."

Any leagues that do not submit their membership payment to USACA will forfeit the right to vote and Glasgow also said their players would be ineligible to participate in regional and national tournaments. According to a file posted on the USACA web site, there are currently 14 leagues out of the 45 who hold voting privileges that have not yet paid up.

In addition to the pending league payments, Glasgow said that national elections could not happen before regional elections take place. The newly formed North-West and South-West regions have their first elections scheduled for April while the New York region has its election set for May 1.

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