Friday, December 12, 2008

Rain washes out second day

Umpires Tony Hill, Amiesh Saheba and Mark Benson inspect the wet outfield © Getty Images

Heavy overnight rain topped up with a series of daytime showers meant that there was no play possible on the second day of the opening Test at Dunedin's University Oval.

Prospects were always poor after a prolonged torrential downpour left the outfield sodden, and after the most cursory of inspections, the umpires called for an early lunch with a view to starting in the middle of the afternoon. But despite an energetic mopping-up exercise, early clear skies gave way to more rain and the groundstaff were always fighting a losing battle with the elements. An almost token inspection confirmed the worst and the day was abandoned shortly after 2.30pm with pools of water still visible on parts of the outfield.

Even though the last three days will start half an hour earlier to try to make up for lost time, New Zealand will need to press for quick runs tomorrow and then look to let loose their seam attack on a pitch which, although well covered, could yet be spiced up by the rain. If today's cloud cover also continues, West Indies will find themselves batting in conditions far removed from those they expected.

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