The PCA Stadium in Mohali has been confirmed by the ECB as the venue of the second Test between India and England, to be played from December 19-23. The announcement follows two days of inspections by board officials, including Reg Dickason, its security advisor.
Hugh Morris, the managing director of England cricket, ended the speculation over the shifting of the match to another venue by saying they were "very satisfied" with the security arrangements.
"Reg Dickason has been here for two days now and we rely on him as far as security is concerned," Morris said. "We have received fantastic cooperation from not just the officials, but from the local security authorities as well. We are also satisfied with the security plans that have been put into place and we are looking forward to the second match being played here.
"The safety of both the management and the team is of paramount importance to us, so we just wanted to make sure that everything is in place when our team arrives. The response from the local authorities and police has been very good."
The terror attacks in Mumbai a fortnight ago cut short the seven-match ODI series and cast doubts on the two-Test series, the second of which was originally to have been played at the city's Brabourne Stadium. Ahmedabad, which had witnessed serial bomb blasts three months ago, was the original venue for the first Test but subsequently ruled out given its proximity to Mumbai.
A revised itinerary saw the BCCI proposing Chennai and Mohali as possible replacement venues for the two matches. Chennai was given the go-ahead for the first match, beginning Thursday, after security inspections by Dickason. The ECB had asked for a southern Indian venue instead of Mumbai for the second Test, possibly because it would have a lower threat perception from a security point of view.
Mohali presented different problems for security experts and the fans. One perceived drawback was its proximity to the border with Pakistan. The other was its lack of an international airport - the nearest is in New Delhi - which meant that, with the match due to finish on December 23, England fans travelling to Mohali would face difficulties finding a connection to get them home in time for Christmas
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